The PoleOS™ Company


IKE at International Conference on Overhead Lines

  • image April 15 - 18, 2024
  • image Fort Collins Marriott in Fort Collins, CO
Learn About the Event

Prioritize Grid Modernization Projects with Accurate, Actionable Data

Electric utilities face challenges in modernizing and managing grid infrastructure. IKE’s pole data and structural analysis solutions help increase grid safety and reliability while prioritizing public and worker safety. By equipping field teams with efficient tools, we ensure accurate data collection and reliable structural analysis.

Join IKE at the conference to discuss prioritizing grid improvement projects and learn how to enhance overhead infrastructure resilience.



Meet our team at the event!

Schedule a meeting during the event, or plan to meet our team in attendance to get in-person expert insights.

Blake Collins

Director, Utility Enterprise Solutions

Blake joined IKE in 2016, leveraging his expertise in field data and structural analysis to deliver training and technical support enabling electric, communications, and engineering services clients to optimize workflows. As IKE’s Solution Engineering lead, he focuses on onboarding new projects, system integration, and continuous improvement.

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