The PoleOS™ Company

IKE for Communications Companies

Accelerate broadband deployments with actionable network insights.


Across North America, communications companies are working hard to expand their networks and bring broadband services to over 30 million Americans who don’t yet have it. Advanced pole data and analysis can help speed up every stage of the build-out process.

Helping you tackle pain points and connect customers faster.

Faster market assessments

Leveraging existing pole lines to expand your network is attractive but has its challenges.

IKE helps you assess market viability and estimate make-ready needs by translating large data sets and existing imagery into action.

  • Reduce pre-survey work
  • Create cross-platform workflows
  • Identify an optimal route

Streamlined workflows

Inefficient workflows hinder both productivity and the integrity of the network design process.

Using cloud-based workflows, pole data acquired in the field with IKE is seamlessly uploaded to a central system where it can be accessed by authorized partners and exported into downstream applications.

  • Standardize data for easy sharing
  • Provide real-time data access to all stakeholders
  • Icon for Permits Automate pole attachment applications

Fielder efficiency

The longer it takes to collect pole data, the longer it will be before your network can reach new customers.

With IKE, a solo field worker collects pole data from a safe distance, avoiding the hazards and delays of accessing roads and backyards.

  • Improve situational awareness and safety
  • Automate repetitive tasks to reduce employee fatigue
  • Improve time-per-pole rates

Reduced recollections

Having to return to the field due to an error can cripple a project’s profitability.

IKE empowers fielders to collect accurate data with minimal training using intuitive mobile tools and guided workflows.

  • Leverage auto-validation to prevent upload errors
  • Digitize workflows to eliminate manual data entry
  • Modify field data entries without a revisit

On-Demand Webinar   /   44MIN

Accelerate Broadband Deployments with an Optimized Joint-Use Process

IKE’s experts discuss how communications companies and their engineering partners can expand to new markets faster using data acquisition and analysis solutions.
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The IKE Suite

IKE offers end-to-end pole data and analysis solutions that accelerate the broadband deployment process from initial surveys to final approvals.

IKE Insight

Gain actionable insights from bulk data and images using AI and predictive analytics.

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IKE Device

Capture pole data safely, accurately, and efficiently with an intuitive mobile tool.

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IKE Office Pro

Measure and manage pole data quickly, then export to your native systems.

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IKE PoleForeman on Screen

IKE PoleForeman

Deliver defendable structural analysis with the most trusted pole loading analysis software.

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IKE NESC Training Class on Screen

IKE Training

IKE provides in-person and remote National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®), OSHA, and IKE product-specific training classes.

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Related Resources

Article / Communications

Slow Permitting Approval Process? There’s a Federal Committee for That

Federal council allocates aid to expedite the broadband permitting review process.

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Article / All Industries

The Hateful Eight: Pain Points of Pole Data Collection and Analysis

The top pain points electric utilities, engineering firms, and communications companies face when collecting and analyzing pole data.

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Services / Training

NESC® and OSHA Training Classes

IKE provides online and in-person training classes on key safety codes to meet your company's needs and schedule.

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Learn how you can accelerate broadband deployments with an optimized joint-use process.

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