The PoleOS™ Company

How IKE Analyze Works

Collect data with the IKE Device

Your team goes out to the pole and collects data using the IKE Device, then uploads it to the cloud.

IKE performs analysis

The IKE Team measures, annotates, and analyzes the pole to create your deliverable and automate workflows.

Your deliverable arrives

IKE delivers your pole data in the format you need, from pdf reports to automated new-attachment permit forms.

You Collect The Data & IKE Does The Rest.

Deliverables that suit your project

Heights of Attachment

Records and reports for audits, site planning, and sales that include heights of attachment and basic pole information.

Explore HOA

Pole Load Analysis

IKE Analyze provides industry-standard pole records with completed PLA in IKE Structural/Pole Foreman, O-Calc Pro, SpidaCalc, and PLS CADD.

Explore PLA

Make Ready

Leverage the full depth of IKE Analyze in a consultative partnership to give you Make Ready Recommendations for any project.

Explore MRR

Get the IKE Analyze Datasheet


Why IKE Analyze?

Drive more profitable projects

IKE Office users drive more profitable projects when they have IKE help with back-end analysis.


efficiency improvements


reduction in recollects

Focus your resources and scale
your business

Instantly scale up or down to meet project requirements without the fixed overhead. Your engineers should not be stuck doing data transcription when there's more important work.


Permit Requests Rejected


Hours Saved for Customers

Standardize and automate your data

Create standard outputs for your pole records that have been through IKE Analyze’s three-layer quality control process.


Poles Delivered


of poles

Stamp ready, make ready

IKE Analyze can provide make ready recommendations ready for a stamp by an engineer for construction projects in fiber, wireless, and broadband.


Faster collection in the field

35k +

Make Ready Recommendations in 2020

Case studies /
use cases

Read about how IKE Analyze has changed the way our customers complete projects.

Customer Success Stories


reduction in collection time


recollects due to error

Terrane used IKE for faster PLA and accurate FAA 1A surveys.

Read the Case Study
TWiG Technologies

reduction in recollects


reduction in recollects

TWiG Technologies put people first and used IKE to audit 200k poles for a major US utility.

Read the Case Study

You’re in good company

Our partnership with IKE has enabled us to offer cost savings and better solutions for our clients, create more opportunities for employees, and to be a good steward in the communities we serve.

Joshua Davis CEO, TWiG Technologies

Find out more about how IKE Analyze can get you to engineering faster.

Request a Proposal
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